Clogged Milk Ducts & Treatment

One of the most common reasons for breastfeeding cessation is due to pain with clogged ducts which could lead to mastitis. These conditions are caused by inflammation in the breasts. It is imperative to know how to prevent and treat these painful conditions to maintain the breastfeeding relationship for as long as desired. 

What is a clogged duct?

A clogged milk duct happens when a milk duct becomes blocked or obstructed, preventing breast milk from flowing to your nipple. The pressure from the clog causes the tissue behind it to become inflamed leading to localized pain. 

Why do clogged ducts happen?

Clogged ducts can occur for many reasons, most resulting from inadequate or infrequent emptying of breast milk.

  • Baby has a difficult latch or becomes distracted often

  • Length of time between feedings

  • Sudden changes in feeding/pumping schedule

    • Baby is sleeping longer stretches

    • Mom goes back to work and misses pumping breaks

  • Oversupply

  • Tight fitting bras or clothing

    • Underwire bras often can lead to clogged ducts

  • Pump parts need to be changed

Symptoms of a clogged duct

  • A warm, painful, localized, hard lump in the breast

  • Feeling well with the absence of a fever

Clogged ducts can progress to mastitis if not treated promptly. Mastitis is experienced by 1 in 5 breastfeeding women, typically within the first three months postpartum. It is often accompanied by a fever and chills and can lead to serious complications developing such as a breast abscess.

How do you get rid of a clogged duct?

At Kaizen Pelvic Wellness we offer conservative treatment using therapeutic ultrasound in combination with other modalities (lymphatic massage, myofascial release, kinesio taping, general lactation education) to treat your clogged ducts!

During your appointment, your provider will obtain a detailed medical history and will examine the breast tissue to determine the appropriate treatment. You will also be provided with education on how to prevent it from recurring, as well as on how to help drain your breast yourself at home.

What is Therapeutic Ultrasound?

Therapeutic ultrasound uses sound waves to create a vibration in the soft tissues at a cellular level.  This will help open the ducts to reduce pain and swelling and increase circulation to improve the flow of milk, ultimately reducing signs and symptoms. 

If you have a blocked duct, this alone can sometimes prevent it from turning into full blown mastitis. If you know, or think, that you may be suffering from blocked milk ducts or mastitis, it’s always best to seek treatment as soon as possible. You can often feel significantly better after just one to two treatments.

What is Lymphatic Massage?

Lymphatic massage is provided along lymphatic drainage lines to work as a gentle pump to assist with the drainage of the affected area.

The lymphatic system's job is to remove waste, toxins, and excess fluid by transporting lymph — a clear fluid containing white blood cells — throughout the body.  When you experience an inflammatory breast condition such as a clogged milk duct or mastitis, lymphatic massage can help stimulate lymph flow and reduce swelling in the affected breast.

What is Kinesio Tape? 

Kinesio taping can be an easy complimentary adjunct to ease the pain and reduce inflammation. Kinesio taping is a gentle technique that’s been used for years in sports therapy to relieve pain, reduce swelling, and promote healing. It can also offer breastfeeding moms relief from clogged milk. It works by gently lifting the skin, which changes the pressure gradient, therefore pushing fluid into the lymphatic vessels away from the inflamed area. When applied to the breast, Kinesio tape can aid in relieving a clogged milk duct by promoting lymphatic drainage and decreasing edema, both of which are essential for resolving these conditions.

Bobbi received her Florida modalities certification and is a certified lactation counselor (CLC). She personally dealt with clogged ducts during her postpartum journey and has first hand experience with effective conservative management.

Bobbi Cothiere

Bobbi received her Florida modalities certification and is a certified lactation counselor (CLC). She personally dealt with clogged ducts during her postpartum journey and has first hand experience with effective conservative management.


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